The ONE question that i am frequently asked in the studio is : " Danny, what is your dance genre? Or what is your basic? "
Err... basic? I have no basic. That's what i told them. I learned everything when i was doing shows. Cos as a dancer, we have to do all sorts of shows and dance numbers. From latin to hip-hop, jazz to traditional. Almost everything. And there's where learned and i slowly try to adapt all the differences on the moves, styles and attitude. And then slowly transform it to my own style.
So, i am proud to say that i am a dance instructor with half-pail knowledge. But luckily i still can conduct a not bad class. Cos i kind of know the mentality of the members. Basically they are there to sweat through a fun way ~ DANCE. They are happy as long as they got the steps and sweat at the same time. No super duper artistic choreography needed. Cos if they want that, they would have gone to the proper dance academy, not gym studio.
FYI, I always try to fill up the empty half .. with lots of hard work on the choreography, communications with members and a big warm smile whenever i conduct a class. Hopefully that will work. :)
p/s: 如果你問我的人生會是什麼底,我的答案是 ~ 賤底。那你呢?又是什麼底?
PasarPride: Egg Edward
2 weeks ago