Friday, July 31, 2009


OMG !!! I am totally obsessed with Sammi's new single. Heard it over the radio last nite, searched for it at Youtube . Got the lyrics, and now i am SOOOOO ready to go karaoke to kill this song. Am listening to it over and over again. In my macbook, ipod and cd player in the car. I am feeling so LALA...:)


( 鄭秀文 ﹣ 叮叮噹 )

在還沒被pasar malam炸到爛前,先在這裡跟大家一起LA。

Thursday, July 30, 2009





Please forgive me if i ever offended anyone of you.

p/s : My favorite mat salleh lady from the gym told me yesterday that she won't be able to join my class anymore cos going back to Europe. Suddenly feel a bit down. Will miss the days of dancing together with her. Huuhhh..
Err.. 是醬用的嗎?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Once a while i'll go to my friend, Lina's house to have lunch. And she'll normally prepare my favorite sambalish dishes. Not to mention that it's very delicious. After the meal, as usual, we will sit in front of the tv and start our ' sesi kutuk-mengutuk'. Joining us is her 1+ boy. This boy seems to be very friendly ( not afraid of anyone ), cos he will come and sit next to a stranger like me. So i pun take him and put him on my lap and continue the kutuk-ing business.

After a while, we heard a soft snoring sound. It's her son, fell asleep while sitting on my lap. OK lo, maybe he is tired. But the same thing happened every time ( 3 times in a row ) whenever i put him on my lap. So i pun complained to his mother la :

" Lina, anak kau ni memang tak senonoh. Asyik tidur kat kita je. Apa? Ingat kita ni TILAM ke? ;p "

So boys and girls, what do you think is the conclusion of the story? Is it :

a) my body is very warm ( a la COZY-CORNER lah konon ;p ), OR

b) my body is very soft and meaty ( so the GEBU macam kapas dalam bantal gitu..;p )?

Which one huh?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Read my book ...

Do not judge a book by it's cover.

明明長得一副disco kaki的臉,但事實上是個不節不扣的超極宅男。(在說我啦)


我的好朋友時常會醬价紹我給他的朋友認識 :
然後就對他朋友說 :“看,沒騙你吧?哈哈。“



Saturday, July 25, 2009


I reached the gym earlier today. Since i have nothing to do, i decided to mark the dance step in the changing room. FYI, instructors are not allowed to mark steps at the gym area, and also changing room got big mirrors. So i put on my ipod and start to mark at one of the more quiet corner of the room.

As i was marking, i saw this uncle just came out from the shower and stand in front of the mirror next to me. He took out his clothes and start changing. Tak kisah lah, i just continue do my things. But suddenly i heard something in between the gap of the finished song and the next song. It was some weird but loud sound..

Puuuuuuuttt... puuuuuuuttt..

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku!
That uncle was farting while combing his hair with his muka selamba. Not ONCE ok? And he thought that i won't hear it cos i was wearing ipod. Apa lagi? I straight away 'guat' at him and then walked away. Shame on you uncle.;p

I also noticed a lot of ( elderly ) guys ( like to ) accidentally farted while peeing. Funny lerr.. why can't they control leh?
Why huh? Doctor Bong, why ahh?

Thursday, July 23, 2009


After class, a member came to me and pass me this keychain souvenir. Apparently she just came back from Beijing. I looked at it and paused for a few seconds. Then i thank her politely.

In my heart : MY GOODNESS !! Such a hideous keychain. Chinese knot and 2 wooden piggy kissing.

Now, if i was me few years ago, that keychain for sure will end up in one of the boxes in my storeroom. But somehow i think i have changed, or grew matured. I look at the keychain again and place it next to my printer. Cos i try to appreciate and look at things from different angles. I saw something that i like on the keychain, instead of that 2 piggies.....

Yes, it's "心想事成".
I really need that now. I'll take it as a blessing and wish from her. :)

Can you imagine, me and the keychain?
Very SALAH kan? So the tak VOGUE ;p
But tak kisah lah. I just want the meaning on it more than anyone now.. ;p


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Below is another SYOK SENDIRI enrty. Those who feel like vomiting, please go ahead. ;p

I was teaching the class in Pavilion just now and surprisingly the attendance was very good. Among the members who joined the class was this Mat Salleh lady. I've noticed her for few weeks already cos she dance very well, but she never join my class. She got nice body line and dance attitude. And for the first time, she joined my class.
After the class, she came to me and said to me :

洋小姐 : Your class is mesmerizing. I enjoyed it very much.

我 : Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. See you next week.



Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Your eyes got problem !!!

Came back from the class this afternoon. Went in a same lift with this old makcik with her tongkat. It seems that she have difficulties reading the numbers on the button. So i helped her to press her floor. While going up, she asked :

Makcik : Awak tinggal tingkat berapa?

Me : Tingkat lapan.

Then she saw me with gym attire and backpack...

Mkcik : Baru balik sekolah ke?

Me : Ha ha... takde lah makcik... ( surprise and happy )

The door opened and she went out.
Left me syoking sendiri in the lift . ;p


Monday, July 20, 2009

Everyone is a SUPERSTAR !


那天上網無意中看到一個鄰國的網站,看了我傻眼。網站寫著Modeling Agency,但那些portfolio還真的很夠力一下。我自問樣貌中等(你一定要贊成),我‘臭臭‘都比那些所為的models好看多多聲。我看他應該把Models換成Talents還比較貼切。

但想想看,我又適合代言什麼咧?Anti wrinkle cream? 老人茶?增高器?Laser Show Carnival的吉祥物? 你說咧?


Sunday, July 19, 2009


I received a call from TF Pavilion the other day :

Him : Danny, Monday morning got class or not?

Me : No worr. Why? Got class for me ah?

Him : Ya lorr, got people request dance class in the morning. So you can teach?

Me : Can oso. What time ah?

Him : 7am!

My goodness?
I can't believe that there's a request for a dance class so early in the morning. Not sure if there will be a lot of people turning up, but i am very curious to know who actually request and so free to join the class.

Btw, where will you be and what will you be doing every Monday morning at 7am?
All i know is that i will be shaking my sleepy body and blurr mind in the studio 7am every Monday from August onwards....

突然想起潘越雲的一首歌。裡面的歌詞唱到 :

“七點鐘, 你說 七點鐘,
好 好 好,我一定早點到。。。。。“

Friday, July 17, 2009



我雖然很open minded,但有些事我還是會有很保守古板的想法。

看過很多家長為了子女們要去比賽,就做了很多不合理的事。服裝啦,打扮啦,曲目啦,都下了很多功夫。以他們的年齡和經驗,不是應該唱些童謠或民歌嗎?有時為了要展現高難度的唱功,但往往都會令我傻眼。明明才6,7歲,卻扮到好像‘撈女‘醬。有時為了要展現高難度的唱功,唱的也是些超齡的歌。什麼夜上海啦,愛拼才會贏啦,Bad Boy等等。

想想看,一個9歲的小女孩在台上七情上臉的唱 :“就這樣被你征服。。。“

I guess, i am not that open-minded after all. :p

小A Mei vs 小周杰倫?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Danny in the LALA-land


為您价紹,1996年最"IN"的打扮 :

當時是為了要去看senior們的Diploma Fashion Show而弄的。忘了是什麼theme。一班還在念college的,那有錢去裝扮。只好同學們互相幫忙弄囉。當時還以為自己很fashionable。現在看回真的很beh tahan那粒頭。有夠狗啊!哈哈。

FYI, i bought that colorful lycra top from GIANT Supermarket .. RM9.90 only ... student ma ... poor ma ... LOL ;p

p/s : 有誰敢拿你們的LALA照來跟我比???

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I believe that everyone have a so-called 'Theme Song' in their life. Whether it's a song that cheers you up, or makes you sad every time you listen to it. And i also strongly believe that somewhere out there, everyone have a LALA theme song as well. You just can't resist you body but to move with the beats every time they play the song.

突然間想做些瘋狂的事。Since我一向來都被你們講LALA,我might as well將它發揚光大!所以,接下來的30天,我以“LALA代言人“(自封的)的身份將會在這裡大炸,特炸,狂炸LALA歌。讓它們有更多曝光的機會。也讓你們回味一下你們那一段LALA的時光。哈哈。
( Please press the stop button on the player if the song irritates you. )

BTW, 你心中的LALA歌又是那一首呢?

Monday, July 13, 2009


I know that sometimes ( or maybe most of the time ) i can be very bitchy and annoying, but there's still a few of my friends who like to share their stories or problems with me. Cos they know that i normally will tell them the truth. And the TRUTH is normally UGLY.

I was commenting on my friend's huge ego problem, and i am worried for him. Cos most people with ego problem are actually very fragile inside and have slightly lower self-confidence. They will be okay if they are doing well, but once they fall, they will have a very hard time regaining the confidence. So he asked : Will you be there to help me stand up again if i ever fall?

And i answered : Do not ask me that question. The main thing is that you should ask yourself ~ DO YOU WANT TO STAND UP AGAIN???

I know it's very cruel but i think it's the truth. Cos asking for help is not what they believe or good at.
Do you agree with me?
Or you think that i was just talking crap?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Talent Time




我的話,我會寫 :
專長 ﹣快速的換裝 (就是脫衣穿衣很快啦)

不說你不知,我以前做show時,男dancers裡我換裝最快。一分鐘半可一由頭換到尾,衣褲最少三件,鞋子還有accessories。換好了就在那兒幫別人換。那時的口頭單 :“ 快‘冊‘點,快‘冊‘點 “。哈哈。有時還可以touch up一下make up,然後又美美的跑上台繼續跳呢。真的很引已為榮。
你能嗎? ;p

Hmm... i miss all the hoo-hahs and dramas at backstage....:(

Friday, July 10, 2009


A you know, Hari Raya this years is on 20th September. And the puasa month will only start on 20th August. People not yet puasa but i am already busy preparing Raya's decor stuffs.
( It's a norm for us in VM line to prepare things at least 6 weeks ahead. )

It was a super hectic week as i need to attend meetings with clients to confirm the display concepts and budgets. And of cos, i will have to come out with different concepts for different clients. Some of them wanted traditional, and some wanted modern clean cut display. But it seems that i am stuck with it....

Not sure if you have the same idea as mine : RAYA concept/elements are soooooo limited.
Therefore, i am asking for help here....

What are the things/scenario/element that came across your mind when i say RAYA?
( please exclude ketupat, green packet, lemang & pelita )

Jasamu dikenang...

Terima kasih daun keladi,
Saya sudah no eye see...;p

p/s : maybe i should put my face in the display...HALAL maaa...;p

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Whenever i told my friends that " I GAINED WEIGHT " or " I AM FATTER NOW ", they normally will ask me to shut up-lah, go die-lah or just roll their eyes at me.

But lately, when i say the same thing, it seems that they are so keen on responding to it.
I can't help but wonder why?
So i came up with 2 possibilities...

Is it that they're already immune with the statement and gave up responding to it....


They actually kinda AGREE with me...?( Die lah.. this time jialat liao...)

往事 只能回味。。。。。。。

Tuesday, July 7, 2009









Monday, July 6, 2009

Let's go "mumm mumm..."

每天問人要不要去mumm mumm(吃飯)。
吃到好吃的東西還會不停的發出yumm yumm的聲音。


Saturday, July 4, 2009



第一招 :聲東擊西

再出招 :無影“燈燈燈燈“


Thursday, July 2, 2009



If you are going for a trip, what is more VALUABLE to you, besides that you can shop till you drop...( or in this case, till I drop ;p )?

Taking loads of beautiful pictures OR having an unforgettable experiences?

If you ask me, i'll definitely go for the EXPERIENCE. Not sure why. Just felt that i enjoy sharing stories and experience than showing pictures.

Or maybe it's because i'm too tired of hearing people telling me to take beautiful pictures whenever i go travel. See.. don't you think that most of the pictures that we took during trip is more or less the same? Great Wall - if you go to Beijing, Eifel Tower - if you are in Paris or KLCC - if you are not local KL people la ..;p

I know that you might not agree with me. But that's just my personal opinion... an HONEST one.
But i still like to take pictures, only when i am attracted to it. :)

When my friends asked me why i didn't take lots of pictures of the famous item of that place... i normally will ask them to google it ... whatever picture you want.. with so many version to choose.... LOL ;p


今天在gym做了weight training。做著做著,感覺肚子有點痛。但想著還剩下abs沒做。不如把他做完再上廁所,然後沖涼走人。但做sit-up做到第二set時,肚子已經很痛了。原來‘屎將軍‘帶著千軍萬馬已經到kastam報到了。不能忍了,趕快衝去廁所。

好死不死,在衝廁所的途中遇見了很就不見的member。她拉著我聊天。問東問西。一點都不理會我那‘急屎‘的臉有多明顯。Beh tahan了,只好跟她說我有事,然後以飛快的速度猋去廁所。



Wednesday, July 1, 2009



他 :啞,做麼你的class醬多X(一種動物。我不寫因為很沒禮貌。)的?

我 :因為我額頭上有樣東西是你沒有的。

他 ;什麼?那裡有東西。。。?

This is a conversation between 2 instructors while waiting for their class to start.
Really wu-liao kan?
Just when everyone thought that instructors will only talk about healthy stuffs ....LOL