( 對啦,九月份是大嘴的‘神誕‘啦。;p )
隆重价紹,2009您最期待見到的人(也可能是您的惡夢啦 ;p ) :
而她的成名曲( POKER FACE )也唱得街知巷問。
Let's play a game. ( or shall i say, this is what i wished for my birthday )
I'll try to capture as many pictures of the HOOKER FACE as possible. There will be a number which i set to hit by END of SEPTEMBER. Therefore, i need your help. You can either send in your own HOOKER FACE picture, OR the HOOKER FACE pictures of your friends. THE MORE THE BETTER!!!
( Calling all CAMWHORES out there, this is the time for you to show us your WHORE face ...LOL ;p )
But remember, there is a STANDARD POSE for it :
Put 1 finger in your mouth and show me your most SEXY/SLUTTY expression.
( Refer to the picture below ~ MINUS THE MASK )
Kindly send all the pictures and names to HOOKERFACE2009@YAHOO.COM
I will try to upload the pictures received as frequent as possible.
Let's hope that i can hit the target.
Thanks for helping me fulfilling my wish.
And let me have the chance to know more people.
PasarPride: Egg Edward
2 weeks ago