Woke up in the morning. Felt a bit pain in my mouth. Checked at the mirror ... ALAMAK. My upper right gum is double the size of the left one. And it really hurt when i try to bite with teeth from the right side. It got worse by noon. I was so worried, cos i got 2 classes today. And i planned to do a sexy number. How can you be sexy when your muka bengkak and mulut ternganga menahan sakit? ;p What to do? Cannot cancel last minute. :(
The 1st class ( Latin Mix ) was still ok. Just not very clear when i talked. But miracle happened in the 2nd class ( DanceMania, the one with sexy steps. I've posted the song at the side bar, not a new song. Can you imagine the level of sexiness? )
Not only i am full of energy while conducting, i don't even feel the pain. Magic kan?;p
They said that sometimes 'adrenaline' will make your pain go away for a short while, cos you are excited. But i think it's the inner hunger ( slutty cell in my blood ) that boosted my energy level. Cos i think i was so in the mood when i did that number. Nikmatnyer terrrrrrrrramat. LOL ;p
當大嘴遇見騷歌 。。。一發不可收拾。哈哈。
PasarPride: Egg Edward
2 weeks ago