Friday, September 2, 2011

keep wrapping, keep keep wrapping ...

I was driving when i saw something interesting in the car in front of me. According to the registration plate, the car should be at least 1 year old. But the interesting thing is, all the plastic covering the car seats are still there. And the people just sat on it. How come lah?

Cos whenever buy new stuffs ( electrical items, furniture, etc. ), the first thing i'll do is unwrap or peel off the plastic on it. Cos i beh tahan the fact that there's a piece of plastic hanging on it. So sakit mata memandang. ;p

I still remember one of my ex roommate in college, who slept on his mattress that was still wrapped with plastic for the whole semester. We tried lie on it when he was out, and it was totally uncomfortable. Lying on something that is not 'breath', so warm. wonder how can he sleep in the night. ;p

Do you peel off the plastic / protective cover immediately after you bought something? Or you just leave it on as long as possible?


  1. savoir .. rite? cos they are not meant to be on it anyways Lol ;p

  2. wah@ cannot breath la like tat!

  3. Does this mean they would leave their wive's hymens intact for a year? XD

  4. keep bleeding, keep keep bleeding ... lol

  5. Whatever it is, don't peel the condom while hanging sex.

    Ok ?

  6. Oops...I mean "having" sex.

  7. the only place i like to have plastic is in my face. :x

  8. aiyoo..tolong.. i will peel it off~~

  9. bong .. ya la.. dunno how he sleep at night .. we only hv ceiling fan.. not aircond..

    william .. err.. not interested to ;p

    anonymous .. yup.. was my fav song once upon a time .:)

  10. chenxing .. he might have difficulty peeling off the packaging lo...hahha ;p

    justin .. wow wow .. no wonder u r getting more and more friendly every time i see ;p

    bighead .. rite? leave there dunno for what.. bekalan hari tua kot? ;p

  11. bahahahaa.. wraping when old time.. XD

  12. bighead .. i'm sure ppl will help them wrap when they are old ;p

  13. I hate the plastic sound. I will unwrap

  14. kokhua .. me too me too.. especially in cinema :)

  15. It is a fashion where Americans won't remove the labels hanging on teddy bears or handbags! They are seeking for resale values! Giler!

  16. twilight .. labels sometimes i'll keep oso la.. but not the plastic wrapper.


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