Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I was queuing at the cashier counter at Carrefour and there's an Indian couple in front of me. But it seems like it took forever for them to pay as their action i so slow. Put the items one by one slowly on the conveyer belt, not to mention they have a full trolley of items. And they took their sweet time...

I was quite pissed off cos i was really hungry. But what made me even angrier is that how they pay. I suppose the wife is the finance controller of the family. So the wife took out her wallet and pay... but thru her husband's hand. Yup ! Every piece of note, down to the cents she took out , she'll pass it to her husband, then the husband pass it to the cashier. Isn't it a big 'extra fish'? ( 多塊魚 ) Very fun meh paying like that? Or she just want to let the husband feel important by 'paying' all the expenses?

如果印太太要為印先生‘做面子‘,不應該是在家就先給一筆錢他嗎?讓他可以理所當然的在他口帶掏錢來付。多麼有男人的尊嚴啊!還是他們在發揮他們的獨家材藝 :算吉靈數?哈哈。

想一想,也很就沒為自己做面子了。 以前還偶而也會為自己做,但以經放棄很就了。。。


  1. u use lemon for on ur eye???

  2. no la.. it was for the tea...LOL
    just some photo op appearance...;p

  3. u put kicap on face ar???
    "hak manng manng" de?? haha..

  4. if not mistaken thats brown sugar mask from skin food la... put kicap worr.. my face not BLACK enuff meh...;p

  5. 可能是老公要求的啦,不要酱气咯。

  6. poor u!

    if i were there...the couple are sooo gonna get a piece of my mind!!

    annoying indeed~

  7. karen .. then do it at home la.., dun waste ppl's time ;p

    B .. thanks to them, if not i won;t have things to blog about..( hmm.. so sick to think positive LOL )

  8. Morale of the story is....better stay single else dun let your wife control your $$$.

  9. put kicap can b 黑面神~
    not bad mar~ hahaha...

  10. 丹尼哥你天生麗質難自棄, 根本就用不上要(多塊魚)做面膜嘛..:p

  11. ck .. save that story for ueself...LOL

    chrisiew .. i'm already am ONE.;p

    sk .. ur just gave me such a BIG hat.. rmb, i'm BIG MOUTH, not BIG HEAD....hhahahaha

  12. 世界上有各种各样的人,任命吧。

  13. ohh....u also use brown sugar mask from skin food arr?? good hoh this product....highly recomended!

  14. You got alot of interesting experience hor?

  15. mr teh .. but why me???? ;p

    paul .. used to, but not gave up my face liao...no hope...hahaha

    keo .. u hvae to be OLD enuff to have so many experience..LOL

  16. Brown sugar mask....I used that before wo. Hehe, I prefer cucumber mask lo, so cooling.
    Anyhow, your "face" is big enough de. Who dare not to give you face?

  17. Dude, you get impatient when u are hungry?... I'm getting extremely impatient if i'm hungry ... so don't play play with me when i'm hungry ... blek!

    Chill dude! some people was just not considerate... :p

  18. maybe the wife is not suppose to touch the strangers' hand? or not suppose to pass things to strangers...hehehe

  19. keenyee .. mulut dah mula celupar huh?

    tz .. i really cannot get hungry.. or else i'll serve everyone hookien mee ( black face )

    leumas .. that cashier malay lady lerrr..

  20. 我也见过这种couple,真的。。。很。。没眼睛看!p/s:不懂我们看到的是同样的人吗?

  21. Ya, i hate slow customers too~


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